Segurança e Saúde Ocupacionais

FEUP Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto eduportugal


Instituições de Ensino:


Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200-465 Porto   Ver mapa




The curricular structure of the Doctoral Program in Occupational Safety and Health (DemSSO) has been designed to become an important contribution for the solution of one of the great problems that Portugal and other countries face: the lack of occupational safety and health conditions for all. The goal is to improve the quality of life and equal opportunities, as much as possible, for every citizen, having or not special needs.
The economic relevance of this problem is clear when we see the costs of accidents and professional diseases. In Portugal and in many other countries it corresponds to around 2 to 3% of the gross domestic product (GDP).
Lost lives, physical and psychological traumas and familiar, social and other human costs are incommensurable.
The lack of ergonomic conditions, architectonic barriers and other obstacles to mobility are also factors that strongly affect the quality of life, health and safety of many citizens, namely aged people, people with reduced mobility, children and other people with limitations and dependencies.
Occupational safety and health is a strongly interdisciplinary area. Taking that into consideration the teaching body is formed by 50 professors of thirteen of the fourteen faculties of the University of Porto (FAUP, FADEUP, FBAUP, FCUP, FCNAUP, FDUP, FEUP, FFUP, FLUP, FMUP, FMDUP, FPCEUP, ICBAS). This means that students can do PhD thesis in many different fields.

An open vision of the area of occupational safety and health

The vision behind this doctoral program is not restricted to the labouring problems and to the directly productive citizens. The scope of the program is very inclusive: it includes the problems of everyone in any situation, either workers or users or visitors. It is related and concerns to everyone. Children, young and aged people, unemployed and retired persons are not excluded.

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