Estudos Interculturais Para Negócios (Pós-Laboral)

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P.Porto | ISCAP

Instituições de Ensino:


Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 712 4200-465 Porto   Ver mapa



Apresentação do Curso

The MA program in Intercultural Studies for Business opens up new international horizons for students. The course has been approved unconditionally for 6 years by the national agency for accreditation A3Es. With a highly specialized teaching staff, the MA offers innovative courses such as: Chinese (Mandarin) and Arabic Languages and Cultures for Business, Culture and Development, Intercultural Economic Relations, Entrepreneurship in Culture, Intercultural Communication Technologies, as well as English, French, Spanish, and German Cultures for Business. The MA is fully taught in English, thus allowing for increased collaboration and international mobility. Students may opt for a double degree, in combination with the Masters in Languages and Intercultural Management of the Université d’Artois, France. The MA has a specific ERASMUS mobility protocol with the Hochschule Koblenz, University of Applied Sciences, RheinAhrCampus, Remagen, Germany.

The course provides internships with Incubitz – Business Consulting & Entrepreneurship, ACM – High Commissioner for Migrations, the National Association of Women Entrepreneurs, Vida Económica Publishing Group, EDUCOACH – Education and Social Innovation, and several other European partners. This MA is part of RESMI – Higher Education Network for Intercultural Mediation, and contributes to the project-consortium led by P.PORTO The Route – Tourism and Heritage Routes. Graduates will be able to continue their studies at PhD level at the Universities of Vigo, Salamanca, and Santiago de Compostela, due to protocols signed with these prestigious Spanish universities.

The target audience is made up of graduates from all P.PORTO schools, as well as professionals from the fields of heritage, arts, communication sciences, social sciences and the humanities, economics, planning, languages, literatures, marketing, management, international trade, local and central administration institutions, public and international relations, tourism, hotel management; publishers and booksellers; translators and interpreters; project managers; socio-cultural mediators; NGO staff; teachers, coaches and mentors.

The MA in Intercultural Studies for Business offers indepth training focused on the business world, in order to develop practical, analytical and critical skills for an effective communication between cultures, the profitability of knowledge, and entrepreneurship in the field of culture. The program puts forward an innovative approach to the humanities, in tune with the corporate job market, based on an interdisciplinary approach and the application of new technologies. Graduates will be able to understand, use and monetize methodologies of context analysis and measurement of cultural variables in a business environment. The MA will train professionals capable of autonomous, efficient and integrated performance in intercultural contexts, able to incorporate initiatives for the understanding between cultures into business practices, in line with the new epicentres of economic flows and their agents.


Saídas Profissionais

  • Communication;
  • Cultural planning;
  • Marketing and publicity;
  • International management and trade;
  • Local and central power;
  • Public and international relations;
  • Tourism;
  • Hotel and hospitality management;
  • Publishing and bookselling;
  • Translation;
  • International project management;
  • Socio-cultural mediation;
  • NGOs;
  • Teaching and mentoring.

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