Instituições de Ensino:
Apresentação do curso
The Marine and Coastal Systems master programme (MaCS – SIMCO) integrates knowledge using an interdisciplinary approach. It focuses on the study of processes operating within the coastal and marine systems, subject to complex geological, physical, chemical, biological and social forcings.
- Strong foundation in the Marine Sciences, including biology, chemistry, physics, and geological aspects of marine/coastal systems.
- Ability to integrate knowledge and skills from all areas of study to address interdisciplinary problems and climate change challenges.
- Define procedures, operations and techniques for problem solving
- Evaluate environmental risks
- Evaluate the trophic state of waters
- Demonstrate ability and proficiency in quantitative skills:
- Model waves, tides and currents
- Model coastal and marine systems
- Process oceanographic data
- Elaborate and analyze submarine mapping
- Elaborate programs of environmental monitoring
- Ability to communicate effectively in both oral and written form to convey scientific knowledge and results to peers, and public domain
- Ability to independently design and execute research work oriented on quantitative data
- Develop the capacity of working in a team
Saídas Profissionais
– technical and scientific employment;
– advising/mediating functions in the processes of participatory management;
– consultancy at/for companies (environmental restoration, ocean energy, management, dredging, oil, spatial planning, marine resources)
– lead functions in the implementation of new legal national (and European) instruments on the territorial/economic marine and coastal field.