Instituições de Ensino:
The DPTS covers all main transport systems topics, from transport policy and planning to infrastructure design and maintenance, at the various spatial levels (from international to local), and for the various modes (air, rail, road, etc.). The program has an estimated duration of 3 to 5 years. In the first year students receive advanced training in some key subjects in Transport Systems, and at the same time they prepare a thesis project. In the remaining time, they develop their doctoral thesis along the lines established in the thesis project.
Upon completion of the DPTS, students are expected to have acquired the knowledge, skills, and competences they need for a transport-related career in academia, including teaching and research, as well as for a high-level professional career in the public or the private sector.
Since 2007/2008, in the three schools, a total of 176 students have been involved in the DPTS or its predecessor programs, 47 of which of 23 different foreign nationalities. On average, 56 candidates have applied annually to the program and 16 have been admitted. Up to now, more than 60 students have completed the program and obtained the PhD degree.